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Komið þið sæl og verið blessuð, I am Bajuwarijaz, a Bavarian philologist specializing in the study of Old Norse and Ancient Scandinavian culture, language and history. I speak German, English, Swedish, Icelandic, Old Norse and am acquainted with Proto-Norse, Old English and Gothic.

de Dieser Benutzer spricht Deutsch als Muttersprache.
en-4 This user speaks English at a near-native level.
sv-3 Den här användaren har avancerade kunskaper i svenska.
is-2 Þessi notandi hefur miðlungs-kunnáttu á íslensku máli.
non-2 Þessum njót es stirt norrœnt mál.
ang-2 Þes brucere understent Ænglisc geþeode gemetlice.
got-2 𐍃𐌰 𐌱𐍂𐌿𐌺𐌾𐌰𐌽𐌳𐍃 𐌷𐌰𐌱𐌰𐌹𐌸 𐌲𐍉𐌳𐌰𐌹𐌼 𐌼𐌰𐌷𐍄𐌹𐌼 𐌺𐌿𐌽𐌸𐌹 𐌲𐌿𐍄𐌹𐍃𐌺𐌰𐌹𐌶𐍉𐍃 𐍂𐌰𐌶𐌳𐍉𐍃.
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