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First attempt at entering a definition for ideonomy:






  1. the science of ideas, the pure and applied science of ideas and their laws, the use of this science to investigate ideas and their relationships with subjects and other ideas


  • "In his efforts to construct a science he called "ideonomy" (http://ideonomy.mit.edu) in order to work out a total naming scheme for every possible concept, Patrick Gunkel correctly coined the term "sophology" to identify the "study of wisdoms" (http://ideonomy.mit.edu/division.html)."[1]
  • "P. Gunkel kindly granted permission to reproduce some charts, and his comments from the perspective of Ideonomy were most insightful."[2]


  1. ^ Glenn Shipley. 2004 11/1/2004. sophology.org/sophology_word.htm archived at WebCite archive
  2. ^ W Richards, 2007 Anigrafs™: experiments in collective consciousness PDF