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From Tungusology +‎ -ist.



Tungusologist (plural Tungusologists)

  1. One who studies the Tungusic languages.
    • 1970, Ural-Altaic yearbook, page 266:
      As the handwriting is quite good, the photogravured reproduction made under the auspices of the Minzokugaku Kyökai (Ethnological Society), in Tokyo, in 1944, with the title "A Tungus Dictionary, Tungus-Russian and Russian-Tungus, photogravured from the Manuscripts, by the Late Prof. S. M. Shirokogoroff is an extremely valuable aid to the Tungusologist []
    • 1997, Hiroshi Shōji, Juha Janhunen, Northern minority languages: problems of survival, page 184:
      Today, when the entire Tungusic territory is accessible to scholars from all over the world, it is possible and, in fact, necessary for all Tungusologists, domestic or foreign, to collect and exchange fresh field information.
    • 2000, Lauri Honko, Textualization of Oral Epics, page 145:
      They were taken down by V. A. Avrorin, a distinguished Tungusologist and linguist, during an expedition in 1948.

