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Trump derangement syndrome

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Trump derangement syndrome (uncountable)

  1. (colloquial, derogatory) Irrationally negative reactions to the actions and policies of US President Donald Trump.
    Synonyms: TDS, Trumpophobia
    • 2018 July 20, Chris Cillizza, quoting Donald Trump, “What is 'Trump Derangement Syndrome' -- and do you have it?”, in CNN Politics[10]:
      "Some people HATE the fact that I got along well with President Putin of Russia," he tweeted. "They would rather go to war than see this. It's called Trump Derangement Syndrome!"
    • 2019 July 24, Conrad Black, “Trump Derangement Syndrome and Presidential Egocentricity”, in National Review[11]:
      Like many others, I have for some time been trying to understand Trump Derangement Syndrome, the phenomenon of otherwise reasonable people reacting irrationally to some peculiar quality of the president, a quality especially in evidence when he is in the presence of his supporters.
    • 2020 May 9, Paul Thornton, “Opinion: Who really has 'Trump Derangement Syndrome'? Not his critics, readers say”, in The Los Angeles Times[12]:
      Letter writers who criticize the president have long been responding dismissively to claims they suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome [] and the May 6 example drew particularly pointed replies.
    • 2023 January 13, Kellyanne Conway, “The Cases for and Against Trump”, in The New York Times[13], →ISSN:
      Some people have never gotten over it. Trump Derangement Syndrome is real. There is no vaccine and no booster for it.
  2. (colloquial, derogatory) Irrationally rabid support for the current US President Donald Trump.
    • 2019 June 17, John Pavlovitz, “Trump Derangement Syndrome Is Real. Trump and His Supporters Have It.”, in JohnPavlovitz.com:
      If you can view it and not be appalled by his conduct, embarrassed by his neediness, concerned for his health, and worried about our nation under his care, I’m going to suggest that you’re enabling his neurosis and indulging his narcissism to the point of endangering all of us. If Trump Derangement Syndrome is a thing at all, it’s something Donald Trump is hopelessly afflicted with. If you’re still defending him, you’re not helping him—or America.[1]
    • 2019 September 20, Lawrence Yee, “Bill Maher Offers New Definition of ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’”, in TheWrap:
      “This is what Trump Derangement Syndrome really is,” Maher explained. “Pretending that all of this is perfectly acceptable behavior for an American president.”[2]
    • 2019 October 14, Thomas Mills, “The real Trump Derangement Syndrome”, in PoliticsNC.com:
      Trump Derangement Syndrome really describes the Republicans who just three years ago would deny they’d ever support the behavior and decisions they defend today.[3]
    • 2019, Lynn Mandaville, David Young, One Small Voice: It’s GOP that has Trump Derangement Syndrome, TownBroadcast.com:
      Trump Derangement Syndrome is real. Its major symptom is blind trust and willingness to shill for a President who calls The Emoluments Clause (Article 1, Section 9, Paragraph 8 of the US Constitution) “phony” among other 11,000-plus documented untruths President Trump has uttered and tweeted since he was inaugurated.[4]
    • 2020 April 26, Trump Derangement Syndrome Works Both Ways, TimeForTruth.org
      I’ve recently diagnosed, much to the chagrin of Trump supporters, that Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) works both ways. It’s not just a mental malady afflicting liberals and Democrats, but one that also afflicts, unbeknownst them, conservatives and Republicans. In both cases, it strips those suffering from it of their objectivity and obscures reality, which opens them up to unprecedented end-time deception.[5]
    • 2020 October 15, John Harris, “Trump Is Suffering From Trump Derangement Syndrome”, in Politico:
      Recent days have raised an arresting possibility: Trump himself appears to be suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. Trump Derangement Syndrome is a satirical phrase. But there is a nonhumorous reality that Trump’s fraught brand of politics coaxes many people to the psychological edge.[6]
    • 2020 December 16, John Avalon, "Trump derangement syndrome" has taken on a new twist, CNN
      The term "Trump derangement syndrome has taken on a new twist, because those who might really be afflicted now are folks who simply can't accept the fact he lost the election. Patient zero is, of course, Trump himself, as a steady stream of unhinged tweets attest. But this is contagious, folks.[7]
    • 2020 December 16, Mark Joyella, “CNN's John Avlon: Trump Supporters "Can't Accept The Fact He Lost"”, in Forbes:
      In a “Reality Check” segment on the network’s New Day morning show Wednesday, CNN’s John Avlon talked about “Trump derangement syndrome,” which he described as a “political diagnosis” of people who “simply can’t accept the fact that he lost the election.”[8]
    • 2021 October 6, Josh Barro, Ken White, “Trump Derangement Syndrome with David Lat”, in KCRW.com:
      What is ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’? It’s a condition that afflicts conservatives and liberals alike – and lawyers in particular. This week, Ken White and special guest David Lat discuss the attorneys that, uh, have gone astray defending Donald Trump.[9]

See also



  1. ^ John, Pavlovitz (2019 June 17) “Trump Derangement Syndrome Is Real. Trump and His Supporters Have It.”, in JohnPavlovitz.com[1], archived from the original on 2022-05-20
  2. ^ Yee, Lawrence (2019 September 20) “Bill Maher Offers New Definition of ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’”, in TheWrap[2], archived from the original on 2022-04-22
  3. ^ Mills, Thomas (2019 October 14) “The real Trump Derangement Syndrome”, in PoliticsNC.com[3], archived from the original on 2020-11-25
  4. ^ Mandaville, Lynn, Young, David (2019) “One Small Voice: It’s GOP that has Trump Derangement Syndrome”, in TownBroadcast.com[4], archived from the original on 2022-06-22
  5. ^ “Trump Derangement Syndrome Works Both Ways”, in TimeForTruth.org[5], 2020 April 26, archived from the original on 2021-09-17
  6. ^ Harris, John (2020 October 15) “Trump Is Suffering From Trump Derangement Syndrome”, in Politico[6], archived from the original on 2022-08-21
  7. ^ Avlon, John (2020 December 16) “'Trump derangement syndrome' has taken on a new twist”, in CNN[7], archived from the original on 2022-06-16
  8. ^ Joyella, Mark (2020 December 16) “CNN's John Avlon: Trump Supporters 'Can't Accept The Fact He Lost'”, in Forbes[8], archived from the original on 2022-06-16
  9. ^ Barro, Josh, White, Ken (2021 October 6) “Trump Derangement Syndrome with David Lat”, in KCRW.com[9], archived from the original on 2021-11-24