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Unadapted borrowing from German Trugrede, from Trug (deception) + Rede (speech).



Trugrede (plural Trugredes)

  1. Oratory designed to mislead its audience; a speech of deception
    • 1991, Charles Segal, “Ajax”, in Tragedy and Civilization:
      [] the majority of scholars seem to agree that the speech [Ajax's speech in lines 646–692 of Sophocles' Ajax] really is a Trugrede, a speech of deception. Ajax has no intention of yielding but must deceive his friends in order to complete his heroic death.
    • 2008, Lucia Prauscello, “Juno's Wrath Again: Some Virgilian Echoes in Ovid, Met. 3.253–315”, in The Classical Quarterly, volume 58, number 2:
      [] Iris' disguise, by Juno's order, as the Trojan Beroe and her Trugrede to the Trojan women to persuade them to burn the Trojan ships at [Aeneid] 5.605–663

Proper noun



  1. Specifically, Ajax's monologue from lines 646–692 of Sophocles' play Ajax
    • 1968, Martin Sicherl, Die Tragik des Aias:
      Für das Verstehen des Dramas ist zweifellos seine umstrittenste Partie wesentlich, die berühmte Rede, die das ganze zweite Epeisodion ausmacht und die unter dem Namen "Trugrede" bekannt ist (646–92).
      Undoubtedly essential to the meaning of the play is its most disputed part, the famous speech that makes up the whole of the second epeisodion and which is known by the name Trugrede (646–692).