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Cyrillic font resizing

Cyrillic font resizing

May I ask why you've done this edit? The reason I'm asking is that I'm getting that instead of an ordinary view that I used to get.
If I understand correctly, the template for Cyrillic transcription works for different fonts, but the font I'm having (the BukyVede one, I guess) is just simply too small. 125% is indeed too large for any Cyrillic font, but the current percentage, to my mind, is simply not allowing the text to be seen with the naked eye (perhaps it would be better to change the size 110-120%%?).
Plus, there is no (and there can't be any) indication about the usage of italics in Old Cyrillic typeface.

Myndfrea (talk)05:51, 19 June 2014

The problem I think is that different people see different fonts. For me, Old Cyrillic appears in the normal Wiktionary font, so it looks very strange if it's made larger. I think the only solution is to make sure everyone sees the correct fonts. There's a discussion in the Grease Pit about it currently.

CodeCat12:39, 19 June 2014