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Blend of Thor +‎ Loki.

Proper noun



  1. (fandom slang) The incestuous ship of adoptive brothers Thor and Loki from the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
    • 2015, Pepi Valderrama, Geek Anthropology of Loki's Army, page 7:
      This book is not a work of fan fiction, nor a book of spells. There are no runes for casting nor Thorki weddings to attend.
    • 2015, Matthew Alan Cicci, "Turning The Page: Fandoms, Multimodality, And The Transformation Of The 'Comic Book' Superhero", dissertation submitted to Wayne State University, page 91:
      The images of Thorki [] represent a range of implied possibilities between the characters--from romantic longings to more explicit imagery.
    • 2019, Nishang Li, "'Rotten Culture': From Japan to China", thesis submitted to the University of Victoria, pages 51-52:
      Some fans of the couple of Thorki are from a Marvel fan circle, which also belongs to the Western culture fan circles; however, some Asian culture fans will also be interested due to the fact that Thorki reflected a seme-uke couple pattern of a muscular and straightforward seme and a tsundere cunning uke.
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:Thorki.