[edit]Sense: person living or originating from Europe
[edit]- One of a supernational region within Europe
- Western European
- Eastern European
- Northern European
- Southern European
- Central European
- —
- Balt
- Iberian
- Scandi
- Scandinavian
- Serb
- Slav
- One of a transcontinental supernational region partially within Europe
- One of a transcontinental nation partially within Europe
- One of a country or nation within Europe
- Albanian
- Andorran
- Austrian
- Belarusan
- Belgian
- Bosniak
- Bosnian
- Brit (formerly offensive, now informal)
- Briton [⇒ thesaurus]
- Britisher (now often offensive)
- Bulgarian
- Croat
- Croatian
- Czech
- Dane
- Dutchman
- Dutchwoman
- Englander
- Englishman
- Englishwoman
- Estonian
- Finn
- Frenchman
- Frenchwoman
- German [⇒ thesaurus]
- Greek [⇒ thesaurus]
- Hollander
- Hungarian
- Icelander
- Irishman
- Irishwoman
- Italian
- Latvian
- Liechtensteiner
- Lithuanian
- Luxembourger
- Macedonian
- Maltese
- Malteser
- Moldovan
- Monégasque
- Montenegrin
- Norwegian
- Polack (now offensive)
- Pole
- Portuguese
- Romanian
- Sammarinese
- Scotsman
- Scotswoman
- Serb
- Serbian
- Slovak
- Slovenian
- Spaniard
- Swede
- Swiss
- Ukrainian
- Vaticanian
- Welshman
- Welshwoman
- One of a country or nation associated with Europe
- One of a partially-recognized or unrecognized country or nation within Europe
- Abkhaz
- Abkhazian
- Kosovar
- Northern Cypriot
- Pridnestrovian
- Sealander
- South Ossetian
- Transnistrian
- Turkish Cypriot
- One of a dependency within Europe
- Alander
- Faroe Islander
- Faroese
- Guernseyman
- Guernseywoman
- Gibraltarian
- Jerseyman
- Jerseywoman
- Manx
- Manxman
- Manxwoman
- Svalbardian
- One of a former country or nation within Europe