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Class 1/2 (locative kuzu-infl-noun)
singular plural
full form zu-infl-noun abantu
simple form zu-infl-noun bantu
locative kuzu-infl-noun kubantu
copulative yizu-infl-noun ngabantu
Possessive forms
singular plural
modifier substantive modifier substantive
class 1 wazu-infl-noun owazu-infl-noun wabantu owabantu
class 2 bazu-infl-noun abazu-infl-noun babantu ababantu
class 3 wazu-infl-noun owazu-infl-noun wabantu owabantu
class 4 yazu-infl-noun eyazu-infl-noun yabantu eyabantu
class 5 lazu-infl-noun elazu-infl-noun labantu elabantu
class 6 azu-infl-noun awazu-infl-noun abantu awabantu
class 7 sazu-infl-noun esazu-infl-noun sabantu esabantu
class 8 zazu-infl-noun ezazu-infl-noun zabantu ezabantu
class 9 yazu-infl-noun eyazu-infl-noun yabantu eyabantu
class 10 zazu-infl-noun ezazu-infl-noun zabantu ezabantu
class 11 lwazu-infl-noun olwazu-infl-noun lwabantu olwabantu
class 14 bazu-infl-noun obazu-infl-noun babantu obabantu
class 15 kwazu-infl-noun okwazu-infl-noun kwabantu okwabantu
class 17 kwazu-infl-noun okwazu-infl-noun kwabantu okwabantu

This template displays an inflection table for Zulu nouns.


The tone class. This can be L, H, LH, HH or HHH. If the tone class is not known, it can be left empty.
The noun class of the lemma form. This is required.
The noun class of the plural form, if any. If there is no plural, leave this empty.
The plural form, if any.
Use this when the locative form has no suffix -ini, but only the prefix e-. Do not use this for class 1 and 2 nouns, which never have the suffix.