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Automatically creates derived-terms list ({{zh-der}}) for Chinese entries, by extracting any relevant term in Module:zh/data/wordlist/1, 2, 3 (from 教育部重編國語辭典修訂本). The list has been filtered to remove sum-of-parts toponyms and non-Wiktionary-material people's names.


  • |1=, |2=, ..., |n=: to add items to the list (see #Usage below)
  • |p=xxx: if you wish to extract all compounds in which the character is pronounced as 'xxx' in Mandarin.
  • |fold=1: if you would like to force-collapse the resulting table.
  • |hide_pron=1: use a no-transcription mode for long lists



If you wish to add existing terms to the new list, use


Any duplicates in the resulting list will be removed. |limit= (e.g. 2) can be used to limit the max number of characters in items of the output list. (no default limit exists for polysyllabic titles, default for monosyllabic titles is 4)

Output is in the format of


See {{zh-der}}.

The parameter |p= can be used to specify compounds for a particular reading of a character entry; see example below.

Add |fold=1 when substituting, if a compulsory collapsed view is desired in the {{zh-der}} output.



市場 (diff):



