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Documentation for Template:vot-conj. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.

The conjugation template for Votic verbs with irregular inflection.

Supply forms by using the following parameters:

  • |pres_1sg=: first-person singular present indicative
  • |pres_2sg=: second-person singular present indicative
  • |pres_3sg=: third-person singular present indicative
  • |pres_1pl=: first-person plural present indicative
  • |pres_2pl=: second-person plural present indicative
  • |pres_3pl=: third-person plural present indicative
  • |pres_pasv=: impersonal/passive present indicative
  • |past_1sg=: first-person singular past indicative
  • |past_2sg=: second-person singular past indicative
  • |past_3sg=: third-person singular past indicative
  • |past_1pl=: first-person plural past indicative
  • |past_2pl=: second-person plural past indicative
  • |past_3pl=: third-person plural past indicative
  • |past_pasv=: impersonal/passive past indicative
  • |cond_1sg=: first-person singular conditional
  • |cond_2sg=: second-person singular conditional
  • |cond_3sg=: third-person singular conditional
  • |cond_1pl=: first-person plural conditional
  • |cond_2pl=: second-person plural conditional
  • |cond_3pl=: third-person plural conditional
  • |cond_pasv=: impersonal/passive conditional
  • |impr_2sg=: second-person singular imperative
  • |impr_3sg=: third-person singular imperative
  • |impr_2pl=: second-person plural imperative
  • |impr_3pl=: third-person plural imperative
  • |inf1=: first infinitive
  • |inf2_ill=: second infinitive/supine, illative case
  • |inf2_ine=: second infinitive/supine, inessive case
  • |inf2_ela=: second infinitive/supine, elative case
  • |inf2_abe=: second infinitive/supine, abessive case
  • |pres_part=: present active participle (equivalent to the -jA nominal)
  • |past_part=: past active participle
  • |past_pasv_part=: past passive participle

See õllõ for an example.

In case of multiple forms, link both forms (e.g. pres_3pl=[[form1]], [[form2]]).