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Documentation for Template:rm-adj. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.



This template adds the term to Category:Romansch adjectives, formats the inflection line, and (if the base inflection) links to its other inflections.

Adjective documentation m (feminine singular düra, masculine plural dürs, feminine plural düras)

Use this template on the inflection line of the base (i.e. masculine singular) entry for Romansch adjectives.

This template contains the necessary meta-data to allow users who are using accelerated editing to create any grammatical forms semi-automatically.


parameter usage
{{rm-adj |base=no}} not the base inflection (hides inflection links).
{{rm-adj |inv=yes}} invariable (no inflections).
{{rm-adj |feminine=biara}} feminine inflection formed in a way other than adding -a to the masculine version (replace "bia" with the feminine inflection).
{{rm-adj | mplural= }} masculine plural inflection formed in a way other than adding -s to the masculine inflection.
{{rm-adj | fplural= }} feminine plural inflection formed in a way other than adding -s to the feminine inflection (replace "intestinaux" with the feminine plural inflection).
{{rm-adj | sort=olt}} Sort key for Category:Romansch adjectives. Same as the cat parameter.