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Documentation for Template:pi-verb. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.

This template is used for displaying Pali verb headword with its gender. Additionally, it also puts the word into "Category:Pali verbs in ... script".


|1= (optional)
Root of the verb
|2= (optional)
Class of the verb, using the 7-class scheme of Moggallāna
|tr= (optional)
Transliteration. It is only needed for non-Roman script forms for which it is not implicitly given by {{pi-sc}} on the definition line. To display the default transliteration, use |tr=+.
|id= (optional)
Sense id for the root; see {{l}} and {{m}}.

Verb Classes


Verb classes categorise the material beyond the root by which the verb stem for the present tense is formed. The seven classes are:

Class Sample root Lemma from sample root Description
1 bhū bhavati The stem may be formed by any combination (includinɡ none) of reduplication, guṇation, and suffixation of -a or -ccha.
2 rudh rundhati The stem is formed by inserting a nasal in the root and suffixinɡ a vowel.
3 div dibbati -ya is suffixed to the root. The 'y' is usually assimilated, so gemination may be the only sign of it.
4 su suṇoti/suṇāti -no/-nu/-nā is added if the root ends in a vowel, -uno/-unu/-unā if it ends in a consonant.
5 ki kiṇāti -nā is added to the root.
6 tan tanoti The active stem is formed by suffixing -o, and the middle stem by suffixing -u. The root may be ɡuṇated.
7 cur coreti/corayati -aya or -e is suffixed to the stem. In most forms, these to are alternatives. The root may be lengthened.

Guṇation differs from lengthening in that it does not convert /a/ to /ā/. As can be seen, these classes offer opportunities for obscurantism: gāyati (to sing) can be treated as class 3 from or as class 1 from ge.