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Documentation for Template:pi-conj-special. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.



This template presents the conjugation of a Pali verb. It can include all 8 tenses and moods conjugated for person. (The word 'special' in the name is now a misnomer.) It also includes the present and future participles, which are formed by generally regular rules from the tenses. The forms of the verb are specified in two ways - by stems and by entry of the individual forms. It is also possible to suppress the derivation of the forms for specified combinations of person, tense and voice.

The processing to generate the tables is primarily in {{#invoke:pi-conj/verb}}.



The table is labelled by the provided item that is earliest in the list

  • |label=
  • positional parameter 1
  • |cite=
  • |cite2=
  • |cite3=


  • The name of the page





The passive, causatives, desideratives and intensives are treated as separate, lexically derived verbs.

The past participle, absolutive and gerundive are not regularly derived from the finite stems, and are therefore not handled by this template.

Grouping of Stems


The tenses and moods come in four groups, which are assigned their own stems:

  1. The 'special' stem(s), from which are formed the present tense, the (rare) imperfect tense, the imperative, and the optative. These stems are input in the 3s of the present.
  2. The aorist stem(s), from which the aorist is formed. These stems are input in the 3s of the aorist active.
  3. The perfect stem(s), from which the perfect tense is formed. At present, there is no way to input a perfect stem.
  4. The future stem, from which the future tense and conditional mood are formed. These stems are input in the 3s of the future.

Supplementary stems can be added for the imperfect tense, the optative mood and the conditional mood. Supplementary stems are needed for the imperfect and the conditional because of the vagaries of the mode of inclusion of the augment; its nominal position is between the prefix and the stem, but the prefix and the stem may have assimilated, and the first consonant of the stem may have degeminated. The optative has maintained a degree of independence from the present tense, and therefore freedom is need to modify the set of stems used. Additionally, a pattern of strong stem in the active and weak stem in the middle breaks down in the optative.

Division of Stems by Voice


The special and future stems can each be organised in one of four manners:

  1. A set common to both voices. These stems are categorised as both the 'active stems' and as the 'middle stems'.
  2. Separate sets for the active and middle voices. This accommodates the verbs that use a 'strong' form of the tense in the active and a 'weak' form in the middle, as with karoti (to do) for the active and kurute in the middle. The two sets are respectively categorised as the 'active stems' and the 'middle stems'.
  3. Only stems for the active voice. For many verbs, the middle voice is only attested scantily or is completely absent. These stems are categorised as the 'active stems'.
  4. Only stems for the middle voice. This is of limited use, though some grammars have falsely asserted that passive verbs are only used in the middle voice. These stems are categorised as the 'middle stems'

The only set, or else the set used for the active voice, is referred to below as the first set. If there is another set, used only for the middle voice, it is referred to below as the second set.

The various forms are formed from the 'special' stems as follows:

Formed from Active Middle
present active stem middle stem
imperfect active stem middle stem
imperative active stem middle stem
optative active or only stem
present participle active stem middle or only stem

The various forms are formed from the 'future' stems as follows:

Formed from Active Middle
future active stem middle stem
conditional active stem middle stem
future participle active stem middle or only stem

Input of Present Stems


The stems are input in the 3s of the present tense. A stem supplied as a middle voice form will only be used for generating forms in the middle voice; a stem supplied in an active voice form will be used for both voices if not suppressed by |midl= or |voice=act.

The first set of stems is supplied as the sole and optional positional parameter and by the keyword |cite=. If neither is present, the first set of stems will consist of the lemma itself. The second set, restricted to use in generating middle forms, is introduced by the keyword |midl=.

Pali verbs often have alternative forms. Alternative forms of the stems may be specified using keywords |cite2=, |cite3= and so on and parameters |midl2=, |midl3= and so on. The forms specified for the first should all be active or all be middle.

Tenses and Voices to Display


The generation of middle forms from special stems is suppressed by adding the argument |voice=act. If the first member of the first set is middle, the generation of active forms will be suppressed.

For example, to display forms of coreti with only the contracted forms in the active, one could specify {{pi-conj-special|coreti|midl=corayate}}. To display only the active, contracted forms, one could specify {{pi-conj-special|coreti|voice=act}}. To display all the active forms, but only active forms, one could specify {{pi-conj-special|coreti|cite2=corayati|voice=act}}.

Likewise, the generation of middle forms from future stems is suppressed by adding the argument |futu_voice=act. If the first member of the first set is middle, the generation of active forms will be suppressed.

Which voices have forms generated from stems is explicitly defined by the parameters |voice= for the present, |impf_voice= for the imperfect, |impr_voice= for the imperative, |aori_voice= for the optative , |futu_voice= for the future, |cond_voice= for the conditional, |part_voice= for the present participles and |futu_part_voice= for the future participles. The valid values are 'both', 'act' to display only the active, 'midl' to display only the middle, and 'none' for no display. A value is ascribed to the parameter |voice= from the form of the active or only stem when not given by |voice=act or |voice=none. The explicit setting |voice=midl is disallowed. If the form is active, |voice= is ascribed the value 'both'; otherwise it is ascribed the value 'midl'.

Note that if no forms are generated from stems for a tense or mood, and no individual forms are supplied for it, there will be no displays for it. Unpopulated persons (tense by tense) and voices are likewise not displayed.

Individual Forms


Individual forms of the verb may be supplemented or replaced by a parameter expressing voice (a/m), person (1/2/3) and number (s/p), e.g. {{pi-conj-special|eti|a3p=yanti|voice=act}}, which yields the present active

Multiple supplementary forms could be specified by parameters a3p2, a3p3 and so on. The present active and middle participles can similarly be supplemented using '|pap=' and '|pmp=' respectively, and the future participles by |fap= and |fmp=.

The precise effect is specified by another parameter, named by suffixing '_mod', which has the following effects:

Value Effect
before The additional form(s) precede those derived from stems.
after The additional form(s) follow those derived from stems.
replace The additional form(s) replace those derived from stems.
blank No forms are displayed.

If there are multiple supplemental forms, this parameter applies to all of them; there is no parameter |a3p2_mod=.

For the other tenses and moods, one prefixes 'impf_' for the imperfect, 'impr_' for the imperative, 'opta_' for the optative, 'aori_' for the aorist, 'perf_' for the perfect, 'futu_' for the future and 'cond_' for the conditional.

Tuning of Writing System


For the Thai and Lao scripts, a fundamental difference is whether the writing system uses implicit vowels or not. The use of implicit vowels can by selected by |impl=no. By default, they are used; this selection can be confirmed by |impl=yes.

Some Lao script writing systems use ຍ for Pali <y> while others use ຢ. The option can be selected using the parameter |y=. ຍ can be selected by |y=ຍ or |y=yung. ຢ can be selected by |y=ຢ or |y=yaa. Both will be used if the option |y=both is specified. The default is the default transliteration from {{Module:pi-Latn-translit}}, currently ຍ.

In the Burmese and Tai Tham scripts, there are two different vowels corresponding to ā. The choice depends on the preceding consonants, but there are different conventions. The parameter |aa= selects which value is used in the inflectional ending if the attested conventions may make different choices. The valid values are 'round', 'tall', 'both' and 'default'.

Note that the stem may limit the number of applicable conventions; it is the responsibility of the editor to avoid impossible combinations.

So far, |aa= has only been implemented for the Tai Tham script. The implementation is actually in Module:pi-decl/noun, so that the logic may be shared with nominal inflection.

Tense and Mood-Specific Parameters


Imperfect Tense


The imperfect has, in principle, an optional augment. The behaviour of the augment is defined by the parameter 'augment' as follows:

Value Effect
without The augment is not used.
with_made The augment is always present, and is simply applied by prefixing 'a-'.
with_given The augment is always present, and the third-singular form is supplied in the parameters 'impf' and 'impf_midl'.
both_made The form may occur with and without the augment, and is simply made by prefixing 'a-'.
both_given The form may occur with and without the augment, and the third-singular of the augmented form is supplied in the parameters 'impf' and 'impf_midl'.

If the call has no |midl= parameter, the augmented form is supplied by the parameter |impf=. Otherwise, the augmented form is supplied by the parameter |impf= for the active and by |impf_midl= for the middle. If there are multiple forms, the extra forms are supplied in parameters |impf2=, |impf3= and so on and |impf_midl2= and |impf_midl3= and so on. It is considered an error for |impf_midl= to be supplied although |midl= is not supplied.

The value of |impf_voice= defaults to |impf_voice=none.

Imperative Mood


The value of |impr_voice= defaults to the assigned value of |voice=.

Optative Mood


For the optative active, the first group of stems is replaced or supplemented by the parameter |opta=; the manner is specified by parameter |opta_mod= in the same way as for fine-tuning. The option |opta_mod=blank is treated as equivalent to |opta_voice=none. If the parameter |opta_midl= is supplied, the forms it supplies (as third-singular optative middle forms) are the only ones used for the optative middle; otherwise the same stems are used as for the optative active. Additional replacement or supplementary forms can be specified using |opta2= and |opta_midl2= and so on.

The third-singular forms supplied by parameters |opta= and |opta_midl= must end in -eyya, (e.g. dajjā for dadāti), or -etha. The short singular active optatives in -e will not be generated from these optative forms; if appropriate, they must be added as fine-tuning.

The value of |opta_voice= derives from that assigned to |voice=.

Aorist Tense


The parameters |aori_augment= and |aori_voice= been created for future expansion, but they should not be used.

Aorist stems are input by |aor2= and |aori=, with additional stems supplied by |aor22= and |aori2= and so on. The stems input via |aor2= etc. are duplicated, giving one without the augment and another with the augment prefixed. Stems input by |aori= are not modified for the augment. Note that only active tense forms are generated from these stems.

Four aorist suffixes are recognised: -esi, -āsi (but only assuredly if |aasi=1), -ayi and -i, with paradiɡms as followsː

Note that the 1p and 2p of adesesi are missing. There presence seems to vary from verb to verb - and might be supplied by the corresponding forms of adesayi! There may need to be revisions to these paradigms. The 3rd plural form of pivi may not be assured for verbs otherwise conjugated the same and the 1st plural in -mhā might not be attested well enough. If you have attestations of these forms, it would be as well to record them as individual forms.

It is necessary to have the flag |aasi= to constrain the selection of the special -āsi paradigm. Many verbs with aorists ending in -āsi are conjugated like pivi, e.g. bhāsati. Verbs following the special, contracting paradigm are recorded in category:Pali verbs with aorist in -āsi/-a.

Perfect Tense


The value of |perf_voice= defaults to 'both', but as perfect stems are currently not supported, the default is irrelevant.

Future Tense


The future tense, conditional mood and future participles will not be displayed unless the parameter |futu= is supplied.

Input of Stems


The stems are input in the 3s of the future tense. A stem supplied as a middle voice form will only be used for generating forms in the middle voice; a stem supplied in an active voice form will be used for both voices if not suppressed by |futu_midl= or |futu_voice=act.

The first set of stems is supplied via the keyword |futu=. The second set, restricted to use in generating middle forms, is introduced by the keyword |futu_midl=.

Alternative forms of the stems may be specified using keywords |futu2=, |futu3= and so on and parameters |futu_midl2=, |futu_midl3= and so on. The forms specified for the first set should all be active or all be middle.

The choice of stems for each of the future and conditional is explained above.

The valid input values for |futu_voice= are 'both', 'act' and 'none'. It defaults to 'both', and the value 'midl' will be derived if the value supplied for |futu= is a middle form rather than an active form.



For example, to display active forms for karissati and kāhati with only the middle forms of karissate, one can use, along with the parameters used to remove the system of the present, {{pi-conj-special|fut_part_voice=none|futu=karissati|futu2=kāhati|futu_midl=karissati|label=karoti}}:

It would be more natural to use |futu_midl=karissate, but for convenience the parameter will accept either an active or a middle form.

To display only the active forms, one can use {{pi-conj-special|karissati|pacati|fut_part_voice=none|futu2=kāhati|futu_voice=act|label=karoti|voice=none}}:

Conditional Mood


As with the imperfect, the conditional has, in principle, an optional augment. The handling is is defined by the parameter |cond_augment= as follows:

Value Effect
without The augment is not used.
with_made The augment is always present, and is simply applied by prefixing 'a-'.
with_given The augment is always present, and the third-singular form is supplied in supplementary parameters.
both_made The form may occur with and without the augment, and is simply made by prefixing 'a-'.
both_given The form may occur with and without the augment, and the third-singular of the augmented form is supplied in supplementary parameters.

If the verb has no |futu_midl= parameter, the augmented form is supplied by the parameter |cond=. Otherwise, the augmented form is supplied by the parameter |cond= for the active and by the parameter |cond_midl= for the middle. If there are multiple forms, the extra forms are supplied in parameters |cond2=, |cond3= and so on and |cond_midl2= and |cond_midl3= and so on. It is considered an error for |cond_midl= to be supplied although |futu_midl= is not supplied.

There is a theoretical possibility that with implicit vowels a conditional 3s could be ambiguous between an active form ending in -ttha and a middle form ending in -atha. This can be avoided by instead using the active form in -tthā, which will have the same effect on the table.

The defaulting of |cond_augment= is slightly tricky. If |argument= has a value beginning with 'with', that is the default. Otherwise, it defaults to 'with_made'. The logic is that a value starting 'with' reflects the morphology and phonology of the stem, and therefore such a setting is likely to be appropriate for the conditional.

Parameter |cond_voice= defaults to the value assigned to |futu_voice=.

Problems with the Conditional


Grammars give discordant accounts of the terminations of the conditional. To resolve these issues, it seems worthwhile recording each attested conditional form in a citation for future analysis. Verbs with conditionals in their inflection tables are being recorded in the maintenance category category:Pali verbs exhibiting conditional mood.

There is a particular problem with the ending of the first person plural active - some authorities say -amhā, but others say -āma. The template leaves that entry blank; the blank should only be filled with an attested form. Verbs with such manual tuning are being recorded in the maintenance category category:Pali verbs with manual 1p conditional. There is a very real possibility that this may now have become a regional difference, like the choice between initial vy and by.



To display what is claimed as the optative of atthi as a conditional, one could use the template call



Non-Roman Scripts


The standard nine non-Roman scripts are supported. The conjugation table is produced in a single script, one of the ten supported. The augment and suffixes are generated in that script, and their juncture takes writing conventions into account. (One omission is that having different ways of writing 'a' in closed and open syllables is not taken into account.) As noted above, various options are available to narrow or generalise the writing system of generated forms as appropriate.

Non-standard abugidas are also supported for inflection, provided there are no non-standard interactions between stem and ending. The following need to be provided to generate tables for such writing systems:



By default, the transliteration of verb forms are also shown. There are two options to fine tune the behaviour of this transliteration:

Parameter Description Type Default
showtr How to display transliterations to Roman scripts. There are three options - 'none' for no transliterations, 'plain' for transliterations in plain text and 'link' for transliterations as links. The use of 'link' is not recommended for general use, as the transliteration does not always match the Roman script usage, e.g. Tai Tham ᨾᩘᩈ (maṅsa, flesh) compared to Roman maṃsa. string plain
subst Substitutions to be applied to handle anomalous or unimplemented transliteration. If specified, should be one or more substitution expressions separated by commas. Each substitution expression is of the form FROM//TO (FROM/TO is also accepted), where FROM is the source text as found in the example, and TO is the corresponding respelling in the word's script (e.g. Burmese or Lao). The substitutions are applied in order and before transliteration. The idea is to respell words with irregular transliteration so that the transliteration comes out correctly; there is no explicit mechanism to transliterate a single item. Note that FROM and TO are actually Lua patterns (see WT:LUA). This means, for example, that a hyphen in the source text needs to be "escaped" by writing it as %-.

One can address a single spelling by the use of beginning and end of string anchors ^ and $.
