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Chichewa autocreation template, relying on Module:ny function new.

Must be substituted.



Basic structure


Core parameters

  • |1= (optional)
    Part of speech. Acronyms are accepted and preferred. Default is 'n' if empty. See pos_table in Module:ny#new for a list of acronyms.
  • |2= (compulsory... well, it gives {{rfdef}} if you insist on leaving it blank)

Other parameters


- More PoS

  • |3=
    Second part of speech.
  • |4=
    Definition for the second part of speech.
  • |5=
    Third part of speech.
  • |6=
    Definition for the third part of speech.

- Head

  • |h=
    This should be the respelling of the term as required by {{ny-IPA}} (not the regular input for the headword-line templates). This should include acute accents for tone marks, ŵ as appropriate, m' for syllabic /m/, and b' and d' for explosive /b/ and /d/ respectively.

- Wikipedia

  • |wp=y
    Wikipedia link.

- Etymology

  • |e=
    Etymology text (unformatted).

- Topical category

  • |cat=
    Name of a valid topical category.

- Usage notes

  • |un=
    Text of usage notes (unformatted).

- Extra parameters for nouns

  • |c=
    Noun class (see {{ny-noun}})
  • |pl=
    Plural form, if the automatically generated plural isn't correct (use - if there is no plural)

- Extra parameter for verbs

  • |vder=
    This is where {{ny-der}} can be used. The template itself must be called, not just its contents.

-- Other words: No brackets needed in these parameters.

  • |alt=, |alt2=, |alt3=, |alt4=
    Alternative forms.
  • |syn=, |syn2=, |syn3=, |syn4=
  • |ant=, |ant2=, |ant3=, |ant4=
  • |der=, |der2=, |der3=, |der4=
    Derived terms. (For verbs, use |vder= instead, as described above.)
  • |also=, |also2=, |also3=, |also4=
    See also terms.
  • |rel=, |rel2=, |rel3=, |rel4=
    Related terms.





