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Middle Irish mutation
Radical Lenition Nasalization
{{{1}}}{{{2}}} unchanged unchanged
Note: Some of these forms may be hypothetical. Not every
possible mutated form of every word actually occurs.



This template shows mutations of Middle Irish words.


  • initial is the initial letter of the word (case-sensitive).
  • remnant is the rest of the word after the initial letter.

A few Middle Irish words starting with s- take lenition in ph- instead of the usual ṡ-. For these words, use sw as the initial.

Deuterotonic verbs


Deuterotonic verbs are mutated after the preverb. When using this template for deuterotonic verbs, the initial is the initial letter of the stressed portion of the verb, and the remnant is what follows the initial. The preverb can be specified using the optional parameter p=.



For bás type:


For Saxanach type:


For siur (lenition phiur) type:


For do·beir type:
