This is the main headword (inflection) line template for Latvian verbs, to be used with all Latvian verb entries on Wiktionary. Its parameters are:
= "tr" (transitive), "intr" (intransitive), "tr-intr" (ambitransitive" or "intr-dat" (intransitive with dative complement){{{2}}}
= "1st", "2nd", "3rd" for the basic conjugation group; "2nd/3rd" if the verb can be conjugated as both a 2nd- and 3rd-conjugation verb; "no" if the verb is very irregular cannot be assigned to any conjugation group; "only-3rd" if the verb is defective and only has third-person forms
If {{{2}}}
= "1st":
= first person singular, present tense stem (without the person ending){{{4}}}
= second person singular, present tense stem (without the person ending){{{5}}}
= "i" if the second person form has an -i ending, otherwise left unspecified{{{6}}}
= first person singular, past tense stem (without the person ending)
If {{{2}}}
= "2nd", "3rd", or "2nd/3rd":
= verb stem (without the thematic vowel; for palatalizing stems, also without the stem-final consonant){{{4}}}
= thematic vowel{{{5}}}
= for palatalizing verb stems, the non-palatalized consonant ("k" or "g"){{{6}}}
= for palatalizing verb stems, the palatalized stem-final consonant ("c" or "dz"){{{irr}}}
= for irregular stems, the first and third person stem form (cf., e.g., gulēt or tecēt)
If {{{2}}}
= "no", then:
= first person singular, present tense form (complete, with person ending){{{4}}}
= second person singular, present tense form (complete, with person ending){{{5}}}
= third person singular, present tense form (complete, with person ending){{{6}}}
= first person singular, past tense form (complete, with person ending)
If {{{2}}}
= "only-3rd", then:
= conjugation group ("1st", "2nd" or "3rd"){{{4}}}
= third-person present tense form{{{5}}}
= third-person past tense form