Template:list:books of the Catholic Old Testament/es
- Génesis
- Éxodo
- Levítico
- Números
- Deuteronomio
- Josué
- Jueces
- Rut
- 1 Samuel
- 2 Samuel
- 1 Reyes
- 2 Reyes
- 1 Crónicas
- 2 Crónicas
- 1 Esdras
- 2 Esdras
- Ester
- Tobías
- Judit
- 1 Macabeos
- 2 Macabeos
- Job
- Salmos
- Proverbios
- Eclesiastés
- Cantar de los Cantares
- Sabiduría
- Sirácides
- Isaías
- Jeremías
- Lamentaciones
- Baruc
- Ezequiel
- Daniel
- Oseas
- Joel
- Amós
- Abdías
- Jonás
- Miqueas
- Nahúm
- Habacuc
- Sofonías
- Hageo
- Zacarías
- Malaquías
- The following documentation is automatically transcluded by the template
{{list doc}}
This is a list of books of the Catholic Old Testament in the Spanish language.
Usage on its own line:
{{list:books of the Catholic Old Testament/es}}
- Use
to disable categorization if the list template auto-categorizes (if so, the English portion of the title is linked to the category). - Use
to specify a sort base for categorizing this page in its category or categories.