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Documentation for Template:ja-conj-bungo. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.

This template creates inflection tables for Classical Japanese (文語) words.

It uses Module:ja-bungo-infl.




Irregular inflection by default.
  • kanji or 3 or k: The Orthography of the verb stem containing Chinese characters ("kanji form"), excluding the suffix. Auto-generated from pagename and ctype by default.
  • suffix_in_kanji or sik: If any value is given to this parameter, the kanji form will contain the first hiragana of the suffixes.
  • lemma: The word form shown in the title of the table. Auto-generated from pagename and ctype by default.
  • hide_key_constructions or hkc: If any value is given to this parameter, the auto-generated "Key Construction" forms will be removed. It is automatically turned on when ctype is irregular and does not affect manually given forms. This feature is mainly intended for the highly irregular auxiliary verbs (e.g. ず, し) because in these cases the construction auto-generated is often incorrect or unattested.

The following parameters are used to specify certain forms in the table, in case there is irregularity. Empty by default if ctype is irregular.

  • f_neg or f7: Negative
  • f_conj_contr or f8: Contrasting conjunction
  • f_conj_caus or f9: Causal conjunction
  • f_conj_cond or f10: Conditional conjunction
  • f_t_pas_ki or f11: Past tense (き)
  • f_t_pas_ker or f12: Past tense (けり)
  • f_t_per_t or f13: Perfect tense (つ)
  • f_t_per_n or f14: Perfect tense (ぬ)
  • f_t_percon or f15: Perfect-continuative tense
  • f_adverb or f16: Adverbial

They take strings in the following formats:

  • (kana form)
  • (kanji form):(kana form)
  • (kana form)?(note)
  • (kanji form 1):(kana form 1)?(note 1);(kanji form 2):(kana form 2)?(note 2)


  • 笑う: {{ja-conj-bungo|わら|4-p}}
  • 詣で来: {{ja-conj-bungo|まうで|irreg-k|sik=}}
  • 寒い: {{ja-conj-bungo|さむ|adj-ku}}
  • : {{ja-conj-bungo|f2=ず|f3=ず|f4=ぬ|f5=ね|f8=ねど|f9=ねば|f10=ずは;ずば?Later form.}}