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Documentation for Template:ilo-adj. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.

This template produces headwords for Ilocano adjectives, along with all possible degrees of comparison.


  • |1= (optional) - The headword, including diacritics for pronunciation. Defaults to the page name otherwise
  • |2= (optional) - The comparative degree, created by partially reduplicating the root
  • |3= (optional) - The moderative degree, created by adding the circumfix pang- -en to the root
  • |4= (optional) - The comparative superlative, created by adding the circumfix ka- -en to the root
  • |5= (optional) - The absolutive superlative, created by adding the prefix naka- and reduplicating the first syllable of the root
  • |6= (optional) - The intensive, creating by adding the circumfix nag- -en to the root



Example for napúdot (hot, warm).

  • {{ilo-adj|napúdot|napudpudot|pangpudoten|kapudoten|nakapudpudot|nagpudoten}}

nápudot (comparative napudpudot, comparative napudpudot, moderative pangpudoten, comparative superlative kapudoten, absolutive superlative nakapudpudot, intensive nagpudoten)