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Documentation for Template:eu-pr. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.

This template generates the ===Pronunciation=== section of a Basque term, including the phonemic pronunciation, rhymes and hyphenation, as well as (if manually specified) audio files and homophones.

This template is intended to replace the use of {{eu-IPA}} along with {{rhymes}}, {{hyph}}, {{audio}} and similar templates specifying auxiliary pronunciation information.



Quick reference

Page Example Comment
intxaur {{eu-pr}} Most of the time, no parameters are needed.
maila {{eu-pr}} As with {{eu-IPA}}, dialect-specific variants are handled automatically (see below).
  • IPA(key): (Navarro-Lapurdian) /mai̯la/ [mai̯.la]
  • IPA(key): (Southern) /maʎa/ [ma.ʎa]
  • Rhymes: -ai̯la, -a
  • Rhymes: -aʎa, -a
  • Hyphenation: mai‧la
Txina {{eu-pr|Txinha}} If the automatically generated pronunciation is incorrect, use a respelling to indicate the correct pronunciation.
barre {{eu-pr|barre,farre<q:colloquial>}} Multiple comma-separated respellings can be given.
  • IPA(key): /bare/ [ba.re], (colloquial) /fare/ [fa.re]
  • Rhymes: -are, -e
  • Hyphenation: ba‧rre
pila {{eu-pr|pila<q:first sense>|pilha<q:second sense><hyph:pi.la>}} Multiple respellings can also be given as separate parameters, or comma-separated and separate-parameter respellings can be combined. Comma-separated respellings are displayed comma-separated on the same line, while separate-parameter respellings are displayed on separate lines. Use the inline modifier syntax to add properties of specific respellings.
  • IPA(key): (first sense, Navarro-Lapurdian) /pila/ [pi.la]
  • IPA(key): (first sense, Southern) /piʎa/ [pi.ʎa]
  • IPA(key): (second sense) /pila/ [pi.la]
  • Hyphenation: pi‧la
turkmenera {{eu-pr|turk.menera}} Explicit syllable dividers can be given to force a syllable division where it would not normally occur, or to specify a different division than the default.
  • IPA(key): /turkmeneɾa/ [t̪urk.me.ne.ɾa]
  • Rhymes: -eɾa, -a
  • Hyphenation: turk‧me‧ne‧ra
noetherdar {{eu-pr|nederdar<hyph:noe.ther.dar>}} A hyphenation is not normally displayed if the respelling is different from the pagename (unless the respelling differs from the pagename only in having an explicit syllable divider). Here we give an explicit hyphenation.
  • IPA(key): /nederdar/ [ne.ð̞er.ð̞ar]
  • Rhymes: -erdar, -ar
  • Hyphenation: noe‧ther‧dar
adiskide {{eu-pr|+<audio:Eus-adiskide.ogg>}} Here we give an audio pronunciation. No special respelling is needed so we use +.
  • IPA(key): /adis̺kide/ [a.ð̞is̺.ki.ð̞e]
  • Audio:(file)
  • Rhymes: -ide, -e
  • Hyphenation: a‧dis‧ki‧de
d {{eu-pr|raw:/d/<q:phoneme>|de<q:letter name>}} A respelling preceded by raw: is a "raw" pronunciation, and should be followed by /.../ to specify the phonemic pronunciation, [...] to specify the phonetic pronunciation, or /.../ [...] to specify both. Here we give a phonemic pronunciation of the letter on one line along with a qualifier (which is displayed before the pronunciation, hence we attach it to the first respelling), and the respelling of the letter name on a separate line.
  • IPA(key): (phoneme) /d/
  • IPA(key): (letter name) /de/ [d̪e]
    • Rhymes: -e

Respellings and handling of dialectal differences

  • Use the combinations inh and ilh to break the palatalization of /n/ and /l/. This happens mostly in recent loanwords.
  • Use w or ʝ when u or i form a rising diphthong. As before, this happens mostly in recent loanwords.
  • The digraph kh returns /k/ in Navarro-Lapurdian and /x/ in Southern dialects (see Kazakhstan).
  • The digraph zh returns /ʒ/ in Navarro-Lapurdian and /ʃ/ in Southern dialects (see collage).

Value of <j>

  • In general, four pronunciations will be generated: /ɟ/ in Navarro-Lapurdian, /x/ in Gipuzkoan, /j/ in Navarrese and /d͡ʒ/ in Biscayan. The following exceptions are handled automatically:
    • Loanwords ending in -aje are always pronounced with /x/ in the South and /ʒ/ in the North.
    • Conjugated forms of joan (to go) containing the sequence ihoa are pronounced with /x/ in the South.
  • There are some words (such as the given name Joseba) which are pronounced with a palatal by all speakers, these words are to be respelled with y.



The allowed parameters are as follows:

|1=, |2=, ...
Specify a line of pronunciation; see above.
Specify one or more comma-separated rhymes that apply to all pronunciations and are displayed below all of them, without additional indentation. Inline modifiers can be specified, as for <rhyme:...>. Use this when there are multiple lines of pronunciations, to avoid additional indentation.
Specify one or more comma-separated hyphenations that apply to all pronunciations and are displayed below all of them, without additional indentation. Inline modifiers can be specified, as for <hyph:...>. Use this when there are multiple lines of pronunciations, to avoid additional indentation.
Specify one or more comma-separated homophones that apply to all pronunciations and are displayed below all of them, without additional indentation. Inline modifiers can be specified, as for <hmp:...>. Use this when there are multiple lines of pronunciations, to avoid additional indentation.
|audio=, |audio2=, ...
Specify one or more audio files that apply to all pronunciations and are displayed below all of them, without additional indentation. Inline modifiers can be specified, as for <audio:...>. (You cannot specify multiple comma-separated audio files in a single parameter, as audio filenames sometimes have embedded commas in them not followed by a space.) Use this when there are multiple lines of pronunciations, to avoid additional indentation.
Explicitly specify the pagename, for testing purposes and for use on documentation pages.