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Documentation for Template:el-demonym. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.




  • Argument#1 (unnamed) the demonym - optional
  • place - required
  • more - optional
  • g (gender) - optional
  • adj (adjective) - optional

Output examples


{{el-demonym|Albanian|g=m|place=Albania}}Albanian (a person, usually male, from Albania).

{{el-demonym|Albanian|g=f|place=Albania|more=1}}Albanian (a female person from Albania or of Albanian ethnicity).

{{el-demonym|Breton|place=Brittany|more=1}}Breton (a person from Brittany or of Breton ethnicity).

{{el-demonym|place=Sweden|g=f|adj=Swedish|more=1}}(a female person from Sweden or of Swedish ethnicity).