German ordinal numbers from 0th to 99th
German ordinal numbers from 100th onward
- 100: hundertste, einhundertste
- 103: tausendste, eintausendste
- 106: millionste, einmillionste
- 109: milliardste, einmilliardste
- 1012: billionste
- 1015: billiardste
- 1018: trillionste
- 1021: trilliardste
- 1024: quadrillionste
- 1030: quintillionste
- 1036: sextillionste (rare)
- 1042: septillionste (rare)
- 1048: oktillionste (rare)
- 1060: dezillionste
- The following documentation is located at Template:de-ordinals/documentation. [edit]
- Useful links: subpage list • links • redirects • transclusions • errors (parser/module) • sandbox
This template lists German ordinals (ordinal numbers, ordinal numerals) and can be added in entries of German ordinals with
====Coordinate terms==== {{de-ordinals}}
It takes no parameters, and is implemented using {{number table}}
See also