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 Bats personal pronouns
Singular 1st person 2nd person 3rd person
Nominative სო (so) ჰ⁊ო (h⁊o) (o)
Genitive სეჼ (sẽ) ჰ⁊ეჼ (h⁊ẽ) ოჴუჲჼ (oquỹ)
Dative სონ (son) ჰ⁊ონ (h⁊on) ოჴუჲნ (oquyn)
Ergative ას (as) აჰ⁊ო̆ (ah⁊ŏ) ოჴუს (oqus)
Contact სოხ (sox) ჰ⁊ოხ (h⁊ox) ოჴუხ (oqux)
Allative სოგო̆ (sogŏ) ჰ⁊ოგო̆ (h⁊ogŏ) ოჴუჲგო̆ (oquygŏ)
Adverbial სოღ (soɣ) ჰ⁊ოღ (h⁊oɣ) იჴუღ (iquɣ)
Comitative სოციჼ (socĩ) ჰ⁊ოციჼ (h⁊ocĩ) ოჴუჲციჼ (oquycĩ)
Plural 1st person (excl) 2nd person 3rd person
Nominative თხო (txo) შუ (šu) ობი (obi)
Genitive თხეჼ (txẽ) შუჼ (šũ) ოჴრიჼ (oqrĩ)
Dative თხონ (txon) შუნ (šun) ოჴარნ (oqarn)
Ergative ათხო̆ (atxŏ) აჲშუ̆ (ayšŭ) ოჴარუ̆ (oqarŭ)
Contact თხოხ (txox) შუხ (šux) ოჴარხ (oqarx)
Allative თხოგო̆ (txogŏ) შუგო̆ (šugŏ) ოჴარგო̆ (oqargŏ)
Adverbial თხოღ (txoɣ) შუღ (šuɣ) ოჴარღ (oqarɣ)
Comitative თხოციჼ (txocĩ) შუციჼ (šucĩ) ოჴარციჼ (oqarcĩ)
Plural 1st person (incl)
Nominative ვაჲ (vay)
Genitive ვაჲჼ (vaỹ)
Dative ვაჲნ (vayn)
Ergative ვაჲ (vay)
Contact ვეხ (vex)
Allative ვეგო̆ (vegŏ)
Adverbial ვეღ (veɣ)
Comitative ვეციჼ (vecĩ)
An exclusive form is a form that excludes the person being addressed.
An inclusive form is a form that includes the person being addressed.