Template:Tang ref
Template for Tangut character dictionary references
Usage: {{Tang ref|parameters}}
All parameters are named:
- wh = Wénhǎi / Sea of Writing (𘝞𗗚)
- tya = Tóngyīn / Homophones (𗙏𘙰) edition A
- tyb = Tóngyīn / Homophones (𗙏𘙰) edition B
- x = XiXia Wen Dictionary (2021) - Han Xiaomang
- l = Concise Xia-Han Dictionary (revised ed.) (2012) - Li Fanwen
- l06 = A Comparative Study of "Wuyin Qieyun" and "Wenhai Baoyun" (2006) - Li Fanwen
- k = Dictionary of the Tangut (Xi Xia) Language (2006) - Kychanov
- s = Grammar of the Tangut Language (1968) - Sofronov
- n = Little Dictionary of Tangut (1966) - Nishida Tatsuo
- x04 = A Study on XiXia Orthography (2004) - Han Xiaomang