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mid 1560s [29–19 BCE], “Libro primo”, in Annibale Caro, transl., Eneide, translation of Aeneis by Publius Vergilius Maro (in Classical Latin); republished as L’Eneide di Virgilio[1], Florence: G. Barbera, 1892:


  • |1=: For the chapter index.
  • |2=: For the lines of the quote. If it's a line range, separate with the en dash: .
  • |3= or |text=: The quote in Italian.
  • |4= or |t=: The translation in English.
  • |5= or |origtext=: The Latin passage corresponding to the quote.
  • |lit=: A literal translation of the quote.

Further reading


See also

  • {{Q|la|Virgil|Aeneid}} — for the original in Latin