Template:RQ:John Gay Fables

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1727, [John] Gay, “(please specify the fable number) (please specify the name of the fable)”, in Fables, 2nd edition, volume I, London: [] J[acob] Tonson and J. Watts, published 1728, →OCLC:



This template may be used on Wiktionary entry pages to quote John Gay's work Fables (volume I, 2nd edition, 1728; volume II, 1st edition, 1738); the 1st edition of volume I (London: [] J[acob] Tonson and J. Watts, 1727; →OCLC) is not currently available online. The template can be used to create a link to online versions of the work at Google Books:



The template takes the following parameters:

  • |volume=mandatory in some cases: if quoting from volume II, specify |volume=II. If this parameter is omitted, the template defaults to volume I.
  • |1= or |fablenumber=mandatory: the number of the fable quoted from in uppercase Roman numerals. If quoting from the introduction in volume I, specify |fablenumber=Introduction.
  • |2= or |fable=mandatory: the name of the fable quoted from.
  • |url= or |page=mandatory in some cases: if quoting from the introduction in volume I, note that it is unpaginated. You must either:
    • use |url= to specify the URL of the webpage of the online version of the work to be linked to, like this: |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=wBsFAAAAQAAJ&pg=PP15; or
    • use |page= to specify the Google Books "page" to be linked to. The actual work is unpaginated, but Google Books has assigned numbers to each page of the work. For example, if the URL of the webpage to be linked to is https://books.google.com/books?id=wBsFAAAAQAAJ&pg=PP15, specify |page=15.
One of these parameters must be specified to have the template link to the online version of the work.
  • |3= or |page=, or |pages=mandatory in some cases: if quoting from the main part of the work, the page number(s) quoted from. When quoting a range of pages, note the following:
    • Separate the first and last pages of the range with an en dash, like this: |pages=10–11.
    • You must also use |pageref= to specify the page number that the template should link to (usually the page on which the Wiktionary entry appears).
You must specify this information to have the template link to an online version of the work.
  • |4=, |text=, or |passage= – the passage to be quoted.
  • |footer= – a comment on the passage quoted.
  • |brackets= – use |brackets=on to surround a quotation with brackets. This indicates that the quotation either contains a mere mention of a term (for example, "some people find the word manoeuvre hard to spell") rather than an actual use of it (for example, "we need to manoeuvre carefully to avoid causing upset"), or does not provide an actual instance of a term but provides information about related terms.


  • Wikitext:
    • {{RQ:John Gay Fables|fablenumber=I|fable=The Lyon, the Tyger, and the Traveller|page=1|passage=With early virtues plant your breaſt, / The '''ſpecious''' arts of vice deteſt.}}; or
    • {{RQ:John Gay Fables|I|The Lyon, the Tyger, and the Traveller|1|With early virtues plant your breaſt, / The '''ſpecious''' arts of vice deteſt.}}
  • Result:
    • 1727, [John] Gay, “Fable I. The Lyon, the Tyger, and the Traveller.”, in Fables, 2nd edition, volume I, London: [] J[acob] Tonson and J. Watts, published 1728, →OCLC, page 1:
      With early virtues plant your breaſt, / The ſpecious arts of vice deteſt.
  • Wikitext: {{RQ:John Gay Fables|fablenumber=Introduction|fable=The Shepherd and the Philosopher|page=15|passage=Remote from cities liv'd a Swain, / Unvex'd with all the cares of gain, / His head was '''ſilver'd''' o'er with age, / And long experience made him ſage; {{...}}}}
  • Result:
  • Wikitext: {{RQ:John Gay Fables|volume=II|fablenumber=III|fable=The Baboon and the Poultry. To a Levee-hunter|pages=17–18|pageref=18|passage=VVith partial eye vve're apt to ſee / The man of noble pedigree. / VVe're '''prepoſſeſt''' my lord inherits / In ſome degree his grandſire's merits; / For thoſe vve find upon record, / But find him nothing but my lord.}}
  • Result:
    • 1738, [John] Gay, “Fable III. The Baboon and the Poultry. To a Levee-hunter.”, in Fables, volume II, London: [] J[ohn] and P[aul] Knapton, []; and T[homas] Cox, [], →OCLC, pages 17–18:
      VVith partial eye vve're apt to ſee / The man of noble pedigree. / VVe're prepoſſeſt my lord inherits / In ſome degree his grandſire's merits; / For thoſe vve find upon record, / But find him nothing but my lord.