Template:RQ:Ibn Sina:1593/documentation

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Documentation for Template:RQ:Ibn Sina:1593. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.




  • |title=
    this printing contains the Canon of Medicine, |Med= – the default which does not need to be specified –, and Logic |L=, Physic |P=, Metaphysic |M=.
  • |liber=
    the Canon of Medicine is partitioned into five books. Declare the book you quote with Western Arabic numerals.
  • |page= or |pages=
    the paginal division of the printing. If implemented, this might be used to compute links to scans of the stated page ranges.
  • |pageurl=
    devised for manually specifying an URL for a good scan. The pageurl is currently not at all computed automatically because of the entangled division of the printing and missing and stained pages.