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Template:RQ:Elyot Governour

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This template may be used on Wiktionary entry pages to quote Thomas Elyot's work The Boke Named the Governour (1st edition, 1531; and 1907 version). It can be used to create a link to online versions of the work at the HathiTrust Digital Library and the Internet Archive:

  • 1st edition (1531) – this version has missing pages; replace it with a better version if one becomes available.
  • 1907 version (archived at the Internet Archive).

The 1st edition uses the virgula suspensiva instead of the comma. To indicate it, use either  / or ⸝.



The template takes the following parameters:

1st edition (1531)
  • |1= or |chapter= – the name of the chapter quoted from. If quoting from the proheme (proem or preface) to Henry VIII, specify |chapter=Proheme. As it is unfoliated, use |page= to specify the "page number" assigned by the Internet Archive to the URL of the webpage to be linked to. For example, if the URL is https://archive.org/details/bim_early-english-books-1475-1640_the-boke-named-the-gover_t-bertheleti_1531/page/n2/mode/1up, specify |page=2.
  • |2= or |folio=, and |verso=mandatory in some cases: the work is numbered by folios rather than page numbers. The folio number is indicated on the top right corner of each recto (right-hand) page. Use |2= or |folio= to indicate the folio number, and if quoting from a verso (left-hand) page specify |verso=1 or |verso=yes; if |verso= is omitted, the template indicates that a recto (right-hand) page is quoted. If quoting a range of folios, for example, "folios 10, verso – 11, recto", note the following:
    • Use |folio= and |verso= to specify the folio at the start of the range, and |folioend= and |versoend= (if required) to specify the folio at the end of the range.
    • In addition, use |folioref= and |versoref= to indicate the page to be linked to (usually the page on which the Wiktionary entry appears). (If quoting a recto page, omit |versoend= and |versoref=.)
These parameters must be specified to have the template determine the book number (1st–3rd) quoted from, and to link to the online version of the work.
  • Folio numbers 66 and 91 are unused; the text is unaffected.
  • Folio numbers 85–86 are either unused, or the folios are missing.
  • The folios indicated in the second column of the following table are misnumbered. Give the parameter the correct folio number indicated in the third column:
Location Incorrect folio number Correct folio number
After folio 88 *folio 86 folio 89
After folio 103 *folio 102 folio 104
After folio 105 *folio 104 folio 106
After folio 107 *folio 106 folio 107A
After folio 109 *folios 1010–1013, followed
by two folios with 1015
folios 110–115
After folio 238 *folio 238 folio 238A
  • The following folios are missing: folio 96, verso; folio 97, recto; folio 98, verso; folio 99, recto; folio 139, verso; and folio 140, recto.
1907 version
  • |year=mandatory: if quoting from the 1907 version, specify |year=1907. If this parameter is omitted, the template defaults to the 1st edition (1531).
  • |1= or |chapter= – the name of the chapter quoted from. If quoting from the introduction, specify |chapter=Introduction.
  • |2= or |page=, or |pages=mandatory in some cases: the page number(s) to be quoted from. If quoting from the introduction, specify the page number(s) in lowercase Roman numerals. When quoting a range of pages, note the following:
    • Separate the first and last pages of the range with an en dash, like this: |pages=10–11 or |pages=x–xi.
    • You must also use |pageref= to specify the page number that the template should link to (usually the page on which the Wiktionary entry appears).
You must specify this information to have the template determine the book number (1st–3rd) quoted from, and to link to the online version of the work.
Both versions
  • |3=, |text=, or |passage= – the passage to be quoted.
  • |footer= – a comment about the passage quoted.
  • |brackets= – use |brackets=on to surround a quotation with brackets. This indicates that the quotation either contains a mere mention of a term (for example, "some people find the word manoeuvre hard to spell") rather than an actual use of it (for example, "we need to manoeuvre carefully to avoid causing upset"), or does not provide an actual instance of a term but provides information about related terms.


1st edition (1531)
  • Wikitext:
    • {{RQ:Elyot Governour|chapter=Of the Firste Begynnyng of Daunsing and the Old Estimation therof|folio=79|verso=1|passage=More ouer the emperours that were moſte noble⸝ delited in daunſyng⸝ perceyuing ther in to be a perfecte meaſure⸝ which maye be called '''modulation''': wherin ſome daunſers of olde tyme ſo wonderfully excelled⸝ that they wolde plainly expreſſe in daunſynge⸝ without any wordes or dittie⸝ hiſtories with the hole circumſtaunce of affaires⸝ in them cõtayned: {{...}}|footer=Referring to rhythmic movement which has been carefully measured.}}; or
    • {{RQ:Elyot Governour|Of the Firste Begynnyng of Daunsing and the Old Estimation therof|79|verso=1|More ouer the emperours that were moſte noble⸝ delited in daunſyng⸝ perceyuing ther in to be a perfecte meaſure⸝ which maye be called '''modulation''': wherin ſome daunſers of olde tyme ſo wonderfully excelled⸝ that they wolde plainly expreſſe in daunſynge⸝ without any wordes or dittie⸝ hiſtories with the hole circumſtaunce of affaires⸝ in them cõtayned: {{...}}|footer=Referring to rhythmic movement which has been carefully measured.}}
  • Result:
    • 1531, Thomas Elyot, “Of the Firste Begynnyng of Daunsing and the Old Estimation therof”, in The Boke Named the Governour [], London: [] Tho[mas] Bertheleti, →OCLC, 1st boke, folio 79, verso:
      More ouer the emperours that were moſte noble⸝ delited in daunſyng⸝ perceyuing ther in to be a perfecte meaſure⸝ which maye be called modulation: wherin ſome daunſers of olde tyme ſo wonderfully excelled⸝ that they wolde plainly expreſſe in daunſynge⸝ without any wordes or dittie⸝ hiſtories with the hole circumſtaunce of affaires⸝ in them cõtayned: []
      Referring to rhythmic movement which has been carefully measured.
1907 version
  • Wikitext:
    • {{RQ:Elyot Governour|year=1907|chapter=Of Experience whiche haue Preceded Our Tyme, with a Defence of Histories|page=283|passage=But the most catholike and renoumed doctours of Christes religion in the corroboration of their argumentes and sentences, do alledge the same histories and '''vouche''' (as I [[might|mought]] say) to their ayde the autoritie of the writars.}}; or
    • {{RQ:Elyot Governour|year=1907|Of Experience whiche haue Preceded Our Tyme, with a Defence of Histories|283|But the most catholike and renoumed doctours of Christes religion in the corroboration of their argumentes and sentences, do alledge the same histories and '''vouche''' (as I [[might|mought]] say) to their ayde the autoritie of the writars.}}
  • Result:
  • Wikitext: {{RQ:Elyot Governour|year=1907|chapter=In what Wise Musike may be to a Noble Man Necessarie: And what Modestie ought to be therin|pages=26–27|pageref=27|passage=[I]f any persone were perceiued to be absent, or were sene to laughe at the folye of the emperour [{{w|Nero}}], he was forthe with accused, as it were, of '''missprision''': whereby the emperour founde occasion to committe him to prison or to put hym to tortures.}}
  • Result: