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Documentation for Template:R:cu:Sav:evan. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.


  • |1= Text part
  • |2= Line
  • |3= Leaf (if back side, add 0.5)

Optional extra (see also Щепкинъ index to Gospel parts, leaf):

  • |4= Book: mt (Matthew), mk (Mark), lk (Luke), jn (John)
  • |5= Chapter (1, 2, 3, ....)
  • |6= Verse (1, 2, 3, ...)


  • |ref=1903 Щепкинъ-1903
    • |3= Page


  • {{R:cu:sav|скозѣ иглинѣ оуши проити|-6|65}}
Сава, editor (1050±50), “скозѣ иглинѣ оуши проити (line -6, leaf 65)”, in Sava's book[1] (in Old Church Slavonic)
  • {{R:cu:sav|скозѣ иглинѣ оуши проити|-6|65|lk|18|25}}
Сава, editor (1050±50), “скозѣ иглинѣ оуши проити (line -6, leaf 65)”, in Sava's book[2] (in Old Church Slavonic), page Lk:18:25
  • {{R:cu:sav|помози ги рабоу твоемоу сави/савю|-0|56}}
Сава, editor (1050±50), “помози ги рабоу твоемоу сави/савю (line -0, leaf 56)”, in Sava's book[3] (in Old Church Slavonic)