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R:cs:ASCS in Akademický slovník cizích slov, 1995, at prirucka.ujc.cas.cz


A reference template with two parameters, for Akademický slovník cizích slov, by "Kolektiv autorů pod vedením Věry Petráčkové a Jiřího Krause", Academia, Praha 1995[1]; an English title would be The Academic Dictionary of Foreign Words. The WP page is W:cs:Akademický slovník cizích slov.

Pitfall: The template links to prirucka.ujc.cas.cz, which does not always have an Akademický slovník cizích slov entry. One has to check whether the target page has "ASCS", which can be clicked and content of ASCS shown. The ASCS dictionary has words of foreign origin, e.g. pelargonie[2], but not racek[3].