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search R:Rikstermbanken in Rikstermbanken

Use {{R:Rikstermbanken|143214}} to link to an entry by number in Rikstermbanken, Sweden's national terminology database.

An optional parameter |text= provides a link text to be displayed, instead of the PAGENAME.

If the term number (the first, unnamed parameter) is left out, the template instead links to a simple text search, using |text= or the pagename.

For words containing åäö and accented letters (àé), the website expects a percent-encoded version of the ISO 8859-1 encoding in the search query: for instance, räksmörgåsr%E4ksm%F6rg%E5s. This is generated by Module:encodings from the UTF-8 encoding, which is used in Wiktionary; it no longer needs to be supplied in |search=.