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Alternative forms




From Talmy +‎ -an.



Talmyan (comparative more Talmyan, superlative most Talmyan)

  1. (linguistics) Relating or according to the linguist Leonard Talmy.
    • 2005, Shuanfan Huang, Michael Tanangkingsing, “Reference to Motion Events in Six Western Austronesian Languages: Toward a Semantic Typology”, in Oceanic Linguistics, volume 44, number 2, page 330:
      The typology of the wAn languages established on the basis of the results given in table 1 clearly shows that the languages each have a characteristic tendency in one direction or the other, thus necessarily tolerating exceptional strategies when one tries to work within a strictly two-way Talmyan typology.
    • 2007, Peer F. Bundgaard, Svend Østergaard, Frederik Stjernfelt, “Meaning Construction in the Production and Interpretation of Compounds Is Schema-Driven: Conceptual Schemata and Cognitive Operations in Compound Constructions”, in Acta Linguistica Hafniensia, volume 39, number 1, pages 165–166:
      This difference between Danish and English supports the argument that there is a Talmyan window of attention effect in the compound: ‘skudsår’ has a window to the act and the result, gapping the instrument and the agent, whereas ‘gun wound’ has a window to the instrument and gaps the act and the agent.
    • 2010, John Beavers, Beth Levin, Shiao Wei Tham, “The typology of motion expressions revisited”, in Journal of Linguistics, volume 46, page 335:
      Many languages that allow encoding possibilities ‘against’ their Talmyan type may in practice disprefer them as they are more complex than other available options.

