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Latest comment: 8 years ago by Slœtel in topic Wrong past subjunctive?
This entry needs work, since this word was also used to mean something like wave, see Luther Is. 19:16 - ZV der zeit wird Egypten sein wie Weiber / vnd sich fürchten vnd erschrecken / wenn der HERR Zebaoth die Hand vber sie weben wird. He also used it to refer to what were called "wave offerings" in the bible. 01:34, 30 October 2015 (UTC)
Wrong past subjunctive?
[edit]I believe that the past subjunctive is wrong and should begin with "wöb", not "wob". Compare wikt:de:Flexion:weben --Bruno413 (talk) 09:03, 16 February 2017 (UTC)
- According to dictionaries and grammars you're correct. And there are also enough examples to attest the umlauted form. Here are some:
- "Wöbe die Spinne kein Netz, so finge sie keine Fliegen." (Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Wander, Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon, s.v. Spinne)
- "Dann tritt sie an den Webestuhl | Und wirft mit zager Hand die Spul; | Es rauscht und saust in wilder Hast, | Als wöben Geisterhände zu Gast." (Ludwig Uhland, poem Das Nothemd)
- -Slœtel (talk) 09:21, 16 February 2017 (UTC)