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I can find only one English cite of virolles (Citations:virolle), and many French cites (Citations:virolles, presumably an alt form of viroles#French). I think I can just barely cite either virole or viroles (which one depends on whether we view "the singular, used for a singe ring, and the plural, used for plural rings" as different words), but I don't think enough cites exist for the other spellings. PS it's not clear how a bearing of verules as described, "concentric rings" / "a name given by French heraldry to annulets, or great rings, when borne in arms, one within another, with the same centre", would be visually distinguishable from a gurges. - -sche (discuss) 17:18, 9 July 2023 (UTC)
- Looking again, I managed to find one book that uses verules (and the singular, verule) : Citations:verule. But I can't find two more. verolles I can only find as (old) French, like virolles. I have converted verolles and virolles to French. - -sche (discuss) 04:57, 3 January 2024 (UTC)
- I still can't find anything for verules, even online. RFV-failed. - -sche (discuss) 13:49, 3 June 2024 (UTC)