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A uey (or U-turn) is not a hairpin bend. While the latter is the bend itself, the former is the act of making a turn of 180 degrees. D.D.

What about ´´rechtsomkeert maken´´? 05:56 Apr 18, 2003 (UTC)

That would probably not be a bad translation of do a uey, so I suppose uey would then translate as rechtsomkeert. I also think that het maken van een draai van 180 graden is a bit over the top. I'll reverse my previous edit, which was better. D.D.

I suspect that the correct spelling of this should be U-ie (with the hyphen) rather than Uey. Uey should still be recognized as a variant spelling. For a fun article on the subject see http://www.quinion.com/words/qa/qa-han3.htm The online Macquarrie Dictionary also seems to prefer the u-ie spelling.

The usage is not limited to Australia. Eclecticology 23:28 Apr 19, 2003 (UTC)

I've looked it up in my Australian Concise Oxford Dictionary, and it appears that there are even more variants. Not only u-ie, but also uy and even youee are mentioned. Although in this dictionary the last three spellings are said to be variants of uey. Is it possible that the preferred spelling in Australia is uey, while in other countries it is u-ie or maybe one of the other variants? D.D.

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