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supervalent (used in Strachey's translation of Freud)


The word "supervalent" appears in James Strachey's translation of Freud's Bruchstück Einer Hysterie-Analyse (Fragments of an Analysis of a Case of Hysteria), and I have also seen it used in French, with the same spelling, in Sylvie Pons-Nicolas's translation of the same text. A simple translation of the German ‘überwertig’ would be "overvalued." In an instance or two Freud contrasts the "supervalent" with the "unconscious" (das Unbewusste) - which we might call the undervalued. Ein solcher Gedankenzug darf ein überstarker, besser ein verstärkter, überwertiger im Sinne Wernickes, genannt werden. A train of thought such as this may be described as excessively intense, or better reinforced, or ‘supervalent’ [‘überwertig’] in Wernicke's [1900, 140] sense. Ein solcher überwertiger Gedanke ist nebst tiefer Verstimmung oft das einzige Symptom eines Krankheitszustandes . . . Was tut man nun angesichts eines solchen überwertigen Gedankens, nachdem man dessen bewußte Begründung sowie die erfolglosen Einwendungen gegen ihn mitangehört hat? - A supervalent [overvalued] thought of this kind is often the only symptom, beyond deep depression, . . . Now, what does one do in the face of such a supervalent [overvalued] thought, after having listened to its deliberate justification as well as to the unsuccessful objections against it?

eine Gedanke überstark bewußt, sein Widerpart aber verdrängt und unbewußt ist. - one thought is over-strongly conscious [supervalent] , but its counterpart is repressed and unconscious. Wmeaton2 (talk) 10:08, 21 October 2023 (UTC)Reply