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Latest comment: 1 year ago by Backinstadiums in topic site of struggle
1. A discursive domain (e.g. class, gender, religion, or ethnicity) in which dominant discourses compete for ideological hegemony in an endless quest to fix meaning. This conception derives from Gramsci's notion of ideology as a site of struggle.
2. In poststructuralist discourse, any situational or textual context in which meanings and/or identities are constructed, negotiated, and contested (see also hegemonic reading; negotiated reading; oppositional reading). The mass media constitute a site of struggle in relation to both their content and selective access.;jsessionid=7F3A60B516CBDF87E0A4090400ECB537 JMGN (talk) 16:43, 21 March 2023 (UTC)