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Latest comment: 11 months ago by 2001:1C02:1990:A900:6CEE:F327:A43:5F1D in topic Other meanings

Other meanings


The internet says this about the word:

There are several episodes in the sagas in which someone is insulted by the accusation or insinuation that he's been penetrated anally—probably the most famous is in Njáls saga, when Njáll's last-ditch attempt to make peace with his enemy Flosi is derailed when Njáll's son claims that Flosi is regularly "used as a woman" by a troll. The accusation was so bad that the old Icelandic legal code Grágás (written after the Viking Age proper, but probably containing much older material) states that a man had the right to kill someone who called him ragr, sorðinn, or stroðinn.
Sorðinn and stroðinn mean the same thing—stroðinn is probably a "taboo metathesis" of sorðinn, meaning that sounds were switched around to soften the impact of a taboo word, like "dadgum" substituting for "God-damn" or "frickin'" substituting for "fucking". Sorðinn and stroðinn both mean "fucked" (they're past participles of the verb serða, "to screw; to fuck; to penetrate sexually.") The Norwegian Gulathing law code adds that the word sannsorðinn, "truly fucked; demonstrably fucked", was an insult that warranted full compensation.


Is this true? 2001:1C02:1990:A900:6CEE:F327:A43:5F1D 07:13, 29 March 2024 (UTC)Reply