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Earliest Usenet uses via Google Groups:

  • spiflicate (list context): rec.puzzles - 16 Sep 1991 by J.J. Lehett
  • Spiflicating (no sentence context): alt.peeves - 14 Mar 1992 by Andrew Clayton
    > It's difficult to get the proper 'Merican Country & Western nasal twang described in mere ASCII.
  • spiflicated (adjective): rec.arts.books - 30 Aug 1992 by SubGenius
    I've plowed through two volumes since my post and, as I am quite spiflicated and dawn is many hours away, I stand a good chance of finishing yet another translation of _Gargantua and Pantagruel_ ...
  • spiflication: rec.arts.books - 29 Sep 1992 by SubGenius
    You should see me when, in the midst of a booze-up, candor AND spiflication start insisting things.
  • spiflicate: soc.feminism - 9 Aug 1993 by Robin Whittle
    I am not suggesting that a pose of feminists ride over the hill to spiflicate the varmints, but I thought that some people in this newsgroup might be interested in this skirmish, in which some people and ideals will probably be hurt.
  • spiflicates: soc.religion.christian - 19 Apr 1994 by kennedy
    The very fact that she directs the responsibility for Nicea itself to Athanasius, a very young and unimportant man at the time, pretty much spiflicates all of this.
  • spiflicating: news.admin.net-abuse.misc - 20 Sep 1995 by Simon Slavin
    I'd appreciate help in tracking them down and spiflicating them.

Hippietrail 13:12, 5 Feb 2005 (UTC)

  • Featured on NPR 8/23/2006 (caller was calling in asking professor its meaning during discussion of new words)

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