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Talk:scripting language

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This was the text of the original entry. I've moved it here as it provides useful background -dmh 03:19, 8 Sep 2004 (UTC)

There seems to be much debate over the difference between a 'scripting language' and a real language. Typically scripting languages are dynamically typed, but languages such as Smalltalk and CLOS (which has been around for ever it seems) are also dynamically typed.
Scripting languages typically are really easy to use due to their simple computational model, which often does not encompas class descriptions or methods.
Scripting languages typically integrate into one or more applications such as Rexx or ARexx (on the Amiga), or AppleScript (on the Mac).

-- 23:31, 7 Sep 2004 (UTC) (added applescript by another user, agree with comment.)

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