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Latest comment: 15 years ago by Ivan Štambuk
djelatnik is not synonymous to radnik. People working on constructions cites are only radnici, whilst people working as office clerks are both djelatnici and radnici. The distinction in usage is delicate, and I'd rather it be illustrated with examples than simply list the terms as if they're synonymous. --Ivan Štambuk 00:31, 21 August 2009 (UTC)
- There are no complete synonyms in any one language, because whenever two words begin to occupy the same semantic space, one of them quickly acquires a new shade of meaning. Djelatnik and radnik are close enough to be termed synonyms by Wiktionary criteria, especially for the meaning "employee". You can qualify the synonymity perhaps. --Elephantus 07:38, 21 August 2009 (UTC)
- That is a common myth - there are many complete synonyms, usually for words that refer to only one precisely-defined and immutable concept (e.g. kompjuter : računalo, gramatika : slovnica, lingvistika : jezikoslovlje - words that are used completely interchangeably in all contexts). In the "employee" sense, well it can be argued about, tho zaposlenik is much more common (note that you didn't tag the meaning in your original addition of synonym, and "employee" is not the basic meaning of radnik, hence the confusion). --Ivan Štambuk 10:08, 21 August 2009 (UTC)