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The following information has failed Wiktionary's verification process.
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Esperanto for would-be president. I can only find one use here. There's nothing else on Usenet, Google Books, or Tekstaro, aside from a few mentions. —Mr. Granger (talk • contribs) 14:58, 5 March 2014 (UTC)
- Ah, my bad. In my wayward youth, back before I joined the force and started doing patrols, I thought nothing of making an entry for a word I'd never encountered just to bluelink an example in -unt- (and, truth be told, cause I wanted to write that sample sentence). Next two were solely to bluelink -unt- examples too. I'll speedy em. ~ Röbin Liönheart (talk) 18:09, 4 April 2014 (UTC)
Deleted. ~ Röbin Liönheart (talk) 18:23, 4 April 2014 (UTC)