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All senses (adjective, noun, and verb). There seems to be one citation here, but it's not immediately obvious to me what part of speech is intended.
The one citation I've found is Google Groups but seemingly not Usenet. Some users have been arguing that only Usenet should be considered durably archived, not the rest of Google Groups, but my understanding was that the reason we consider Usenet durably archived is because it's available on Google Groups. So it seems to me that the rest of Google Groups should be considered durably archived by the same logic. —Mr. Granger (talk • contribs) 22:35, 7 August 2014 (UTC)
- The reason we consider Usenet durably archived is because messages on Usenet newsgroups are stored on a distributed network of servers from which they are unlikely to disappear, not because "Google has it". Anyway, RFV failed. — Keφr 11:05, 16 November 2014 (UTC)
By the same user. Both of these are by the same user who created giginal and pebinal, above, which were speedied. —Mr. Granger (talk • contribs) 22:42, 7 August 2014 (UTC)
- Speedied per above. Nothing meaningful to be found. Equinox ◑ 19:35, 30 August 2014 (UTC)