Add topic"Gender neutral" language is prescriptive, prescribing and implying removing references to social/identity gender from language. It's not a proper linguistic description. The third meaning, referring to the grammar of individual nouns in languages with grammatical gender which themselves lack such gender, is purely descriptive and orthogonal and "unmarked for gender" should be used to refer to them. Such nouns are not an example of "gender neutral language" and are thus irrelevant to the phrase's meaning.
Changing latino to "latinx" or "latine" would be a better example of "gender neutral" prescription.
The first translation is not accurate as it covers linguistic description and neuter gender nouns and pronouns are not proscribed. I propose to change it to, A linguistic prescription to avoid distinguishing nouns and pronouns between masculine and feminine, e. g., using "they" in preference to "he or "she" 14:32, 6 June 2023 (UTC)