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Latest comment: 3 years ago by Redav in topic Gażżija, or rather gazzija?

Gażżija, or rather gazzija?


[Joseph Aquilina, Concise Maltese English English Maltese Dictionary, midseaBOOKSLTD, 2006, →ISBN] has gazzija instead, [-, Dictionary Dizzjunarju Maltese-English English-Maltese, Colour Image Malta, 1998, 9789990984057] has gazzi, [Busuttil, Diziunariu mill Malti ghall Inglis, N.C. Cortis & Sons, 1900] has gazzija (and does distinguish g and ġ, z and ż). Based on this, it seems appropriate to propose the word be spelt with "zz" rather than with "żż". Any objections?Redav (talk) 01:12, 25 July 2021 (UTC)Reply