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RFV for the "hypercorrect".
"hypercorrect" (cp. hypercorrect, Appendix:Glossary#H) seems to be wrong, because it's most likely not like some English-speaking people hypercorrectly and thus incorrectly changed e to œ or oe, but that œ or oe already appeared in Medieval or New Latin which lead to non-hypercorrect English spellings with œ or oe. While the spelling in Latin could sometimes be hypercorrect, it could also sometimes be simply erroneous, or sometimes simply be a medieval spelling.
- {{R:L&S|fētus (foet-), ūs|fetus2}} has "fētus (foet-)" implying that foetus was or maybe is considered to be a rarer alternative classical Latin spelling.
- {{R:du Cange|foecunditas}} has "fœcunditas" which could be Medieval Latin, and in New Latin texts one can find "foecunditas".
Maybe the etymology should be extended or corrected like English fœcundity from Medieval/New(?) Latin fœcunditas/foecunditas, from Latin fecunditas, but that's not a matter of RFV but should rather be a matter of RFC or RFE. - 22:35, 1 April 2017 (UTC)
cited Kiwima (talk) 22:51, 13 August 2017 (UTC)
RFV-passed Kiwima (talk) 04:12, 21 August 2017 (UTC)