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Sense 2: a gay bar. This sounds a bit inaccurate (not all bars for gay people have drag performances), and I would expect there to be a space in it too. Equinox ◑ 07:25, 20 December 2019 (UTC)
- I think you are spot on there, Equinox. I found lots of cites with a space, but only one without one (on citations page). Should we move the entry to one with a space, or is that SOP? Kiwima (talk) 21:20, 20 December 2019 (UTC)
- Also, not all drag queens are gay; quoting the Wikipedia article: “queens can be of any gender and sexual identity”. I think that is also true for the patronage of drag bars. This is just an unforgiveably sloppy definition. If a place is advertized as a drag bar but no one is in drag (which is the default situation for gay bars), it is false advertizing. --Lambiam 22:53, 20 December 2019 (UTC)
RFV-failed Kiwima (talk) 20:06, 20 January 2020 (UTC)