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Sense 2, uncountable: something unwanted or undesirable: "I don't have time for all this dipshit". I don't believe this exists. Dipshit is a countable term for a person ("he is a dipshit, they are two dipshits") it's not an uncountable general term for bad stuff like "bullshit". Prove me wrong? Equinox ◑ 18:31, 5 April 2023 (UTC)
- I see a few hits where dipshit is used attributively in a way that might be this sense, but it's not entirely clear, e.g. google books:"apply for this dipshit babysitting mission" (although I suppose that could be a mission to babysit a dipshit), google books:"apologising for all this dipshit dumbfuckulousness" (the latter by Gautam Malkani, who Wikipedia says is "a journalist for The Financial Times, and the author of the novel Londonstani which Dutch writer Robert Vuijsje described as the worst book of the year"). I haven't spotted any clear, non-attributive uses. - -sche (discuss) 19:33, 5 April 2023 (UTC)
- Failed. - TheDaveRoss 14:47, 27 July 2023 (UTC)