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This entry has survived Wiktionary's verification process.
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"A liar who boasts of their falsehood." -- I get only 53 hits on this word when I google for it. All 53 of the returns are either random word lists or mirrors of Wiktionary. It's not in the Compact OED, Webster's Third, or the Random House Unabridged. --EncycloPetey 06:06, 5 January 2007 (UTC) [Note: Whenever I say "google" I mean the Internet at large; not google.books]
Note: I found one site that claimed it was in The Nuttall Encyclopedia, but I don't have access to that old work. --EncycloPetey 06:18, 5 January 2007 (UTC)
- Not in the full OED online. SemperBlotto 08:35, 5 January 2007 (UTC)
Google books hits appear to meet CFI:
- Insulting English by Peter Novobatzky, Ammon Shea - 2001
- ... abydocomist lab ee do CO mist,' n • A liar who boasts of his or her falsehood. ... "There were lots of abydocomists working the phones at the underground telemarketing firm, but none could top Neville, who would cheerfully swindle a widowed grandmother out of her annuity..."
- Dictionary of Early English by Joseph Twadell Shipley - 1955
- Bailey in his Dictionary (1751) defines the abydocomist as a sycophant who boasts of his successes achieved by flattery and falsehood. ...
- Dictionary of the Synonymous Words and Technical Terms in the English Language by James Leslie - 1806
- slanderer,.abydocomist, from Abydos, the inhabitants of which were famous for inventing slanders, and boasting of them.
Keep and mark as obsolete. bd2412 T 17:49, 7 January 2007 (UTC)
EncycloPetey 19:13, 9 January 2007 (UTC)